Sunday, November 14, 2010

Alexander The Great

Me: So Alexander, how does feel to be arguably the greatest general of all time?
Alexander: I'm not going to lie, its a real self-esteem booster. However, after all the hard work I had put in I would've hoped to be up there.
Me: You came up with so many great ideas and inventions to win battles, where was your inspiration behind all of this?
Alexander: I would have to credit my mentor, Aristotle, for much of it. He was able to teach me a way to view things different than many others. Such as the siege tower, with out that I never could've conquered persia the way I had.
Me: Tell me about your conquest of Egypt.
Alexander: Egypt was by far my favorite place out of all the empires I had seen. As you know I liked to improve my own culture by taking pieces from the other areas that I had defeated. However, Egypt's culture seemed nearly perfect in my eyes. I felt honored to be the leader and one of their g-ds.
Me: If you hadn't died so young, do you believe you could have taken over thee world?
Alexander: Isn't that question rhetorical?

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