Sunday, November 14, 2010

Magna Carta

Me: So, King john of England, you were the one who signed the Magna Carta Eh?
John: Unfortunately yes, not many people are to fond of it.
Me: Well is there any bright side to the Magna Carta for you?
John: the Magna Carta was created because I had been punishing my citizens unfairly and unjustly. Then, I had lost control of rebellion of my citizens and they captured me and forced me to sign this document in which I must give all m Citizens a set of rights.
Me: Well the set of rights you signed is still used to today and you are also responsible for the creation of parliament which leads to the creation of the legislative branch in the united states of America.
John: However, all these things take power away from me and put it in the hands of the people which implies that I abused my power.
Me: Its kind of true.

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